Thursday, March 6, 2014

I'm a Canadian, eh!

We took the final step in becoming Canadian Citizens this week, and went along to our Citizenship Ceremony, where we swore allegiance to the Queen (in both languages) and sung O'Canada (in either language). So that's it, we're Canadian now, just like the girls.

One wrinkle that we didn't quite foresee was that they took our permanent resident cards off us at the door, so we're stuck here. "That's it, you're citizens, now you stay here!" This means we will have to get our passports sooner rather than later, as we can leave on our UK passports, but have no formal proof that'll let us back in the country on anything other than a visitors visa. They do give us a lovely Citizenship Certificate, but it's not a travel document.

We should also be on the voting register just in time for the upcoming provincial elections.

So that's it, we can now stay as long as we like, or indeed up and leave, but return when we wish. Nice.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Catherine Cruickshank

Catherine Roberts Cruickshank (nee Redmond) 17th June 1931 -13th Feb 2014

I previously mentioned her on the occasion of her 80th birthday. An event which I did not attend unfortunately, but at which her brother gave this little speech.

Far from the best pictures, but at least she got to meet both the girls

Poem read at the funeral, She is gone.

Photos Of Montreal Embody The Essence Of The City

K has an eagle eye, and spotted me and the girls in one of these pics by photographer Sylvain Quidot.