Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Mark's Wedding

Trips to Scotland are like buses. Nothing for 5 years, then three come along in quick succession. The latest was a return to Scotland for the wedding of Mark and Hannah (making the trips for teraly three weddings and a funeral). As I had caught up with pretty much all my family in one go in February, this trip was always going to be one where I tried to get in touch with as many friends as possible.

First stop Edinburgh:
Gamers and fencers, or at least those who are still in town and wanted to come out. Really great to see everyone. A shame I was only on town for 1 night, and thanks ever so much to Gav and Sabrina for letting me crash at theirs.


Then up to Fife for the wedding. The Balbirnie House Hotel to be exact. Meeting up with so many fencers that were all in Strathclyde Fencing Club back when I started was a bit like getting into a time machine and going back 20 years.



Then back to Edinburgh, to meet and catch up with Hazel, then a pint with my old boss Rory. I also found out that they've opened a Gaming Cafe right next door to my old flat. Maybe for the best that that wasn't there at the same time as me, as I took long enough to write up my thesis as it was.Then it was time to head back to Airdrie for the night, seeing Pamela and Roy for a cuppa after tea. Meanwhile, I took a wee trip out Falkirk way to see the Kelpies.

Then over to Glasgow for some shopping, a little sight seeing, and to meet up with Susan for a pub lunch in Auctioneers (Jamie Oliver's new restaurant on George Square was closed on Mondays), and a good catch up (as well as vicariously finding out about others we went to Uni with).

The next day was flying back to the girls in Montreal. A short and hectic visit, but I think I made the best use of my time there, and touched base with as many people as possible.

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